More than 28 years ago, I faced the tempestuous storm of divorce, which shook not only my world but also that of my precious son. The impact of my car crash divorce has been a journey he continues to navigate through, facing the twists and turns along the way.

Life, always unpredictable, threw more curveballs my way as I embarked on a heart-wrenching chapter of nursing my beloved parents through their final months. Their passing, just weeks apart, left an indelible mark on my soul. Little did I know that another unexpected chapter awaited me—a mind-boggling battle as a survivor of a long-term coma caused by COVID. Talk about plot twists that defy imagination!

But here’s where the story takes an exciting turn. I refused to let these trials define me. Instead, they became the catalyst for my deep dive into helping separating and divorcing couples navigate the delicate terrain of conflict-free co-parenting.

With a pen as my sword, boundless resilience as my shield, and a sprinkle of humour as my secret weapon, I embarked on a mission to empower children through my books.

I do not have a formal literary education beyond my ‘O’ level English literature days, but I have penned countless training manuals, courses & legal briefs. Who knew those skills would shape my path toward creating warm and witty books for children!

Living in Thailand, California and the UK has given me a unique perspective, allowing me to draw inspiration from diverse cultures and experiences.

I have two wonderful furbabies, Cloud and Rain, who bring joy and laughter to my writing process. When I’m not crafting heartfelt stories, I indulge in various creative pursuits such as jewellery making, resin work, card making, and sewing.

I adore this genre because it allows me to delve into the depths of human emotions, unravel complex family dynamics, and offer a guiding light to those in need. The power of storytelling lies in its ability to touch hearts, provoke thoughts, and ignite conversations.

Through my books, I aim to foster resilience, empathy, and understanding among readers of all ages.

I’m dedicated to supporting parents and children, providing them with resources and stories that celebrate resilience, empathy, and the power of connection. It’s my way of turning life’s unexpected plot twists into opportunities for growth and transformation.

In my heartfelt book series, I delve into the sensitive and often challenging subject of divorce and separation, focusing on the situations, worries, and concerns that children may have during this difficult time.

Each book in the series explores different aspects of the divorce journey, offering comfort, guidance, and understanding to young readers.

Through relatable characters and captivating storytelling, I address the unique challenges children face when their parents are going through divorce or separation. I aim to create a safe space for children to express their emotions, process their thoughts, and find solace in knowing that they are not alone in their experiences.

From the initial announcement of the separation to adjusting to new routines, navigating co-parenting dynamics, and coping with mixed emotions, the series covers a wide range of topics that children may encounter during this transformative period in their lives.

With empathy and compassion, I aim to empower children to understand and communicate their feelings, foster resilience, and navigate the complexities of their changing family dynamics.

The books provide a valuable resource for parents, educators, and therapists seeking to support children through this challenging time, encouraging open conversations and providing tools for emotional well-being.

By addressing the specific concerns and worries that children may have, my book series aims to provide comfort, guidance, and a sense of connection. It is my hope that these stories will help children navigate their own journeys with greater understanding, resilience, and a brighter outlook for the future.

Join me as we explore the complexities of divorce and separation through the eyes of young readers, fostering empathy, understanding, and emotional growth one story at a time. Together, we can support children in finding strength and navigating the path ahead with love, compassion and hope.

So grab a cuppa, settle in, and let’s journey together through the pages of my books. We’ll explore emotions, share laughs, and discover the wonders of co-parenting in harmony.

After all, the best stories are the ones that make us laugh, cry, and feel a little less alone on this wild journey called life!